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by Dr. Scott Briggs I have briefly talked in a previous blog about the current American diet, but I want to take a few paragraphs and return to this topic. If you are within 20 years of my age (52), we only know the diet of the food pyramid that was published in 1980 and […]

What are We Eating?

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by Dr. Scott Briggs There it is, right there in the title, now you all know; I am talking about my age. In just over a month I will turn 52. How is this possible? I remember graduating with my undergraduate degree in 1992 like it was yesterday. I remember playing football as a freshman, […]

Headed toward 52

Health Journey 2022

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by Dr. Scott Briggs If you are new to, never been to, or been going for years to a chiropractor you may be wondering why a doctor of chiropractic who specializes in the care of the spine is talking so much about health. Questions may be coming up like what is chiropractic care and isn’t […]

Chiropractic; what is it and can it help?

Health Journey 2022

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by Dr. Cindy Briggs (Dr. Scott’s wife) Hi everyone! Thanks for allowing me to join in on the blog and discuss the Health Challenge 2022. As Scott has told you, we have jumped into this challenge as a family. A little background– I did not grow up in a family where health was a priority. […]

Guest post: Cindy Briggs

Health Journey 2022

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by Dr. Scott Briggs As we journey on this healthier path our bodies will become our health teacher IF we will listen to it. Some of you may have already experienced the teaching our bodies provide, I know I have. Now I just need to LISTEN and LEARN. Our bodies have an amazing way of […]

Let Your Body be Your Teacher

Health Journey 2022

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by Dr. Scott Briggs February 2, 2022 As I see it, movement is important to all forms of improved health. When I was in chiropractic school we were taught early on that movement was life and lack of movement was death. Our bodies need to move. Movement is what keeps the joints of our bodies […]

Let’s Talk Movement

Health Journey 2022

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by Dr. Scott Briggs January 30, 2022 I am at my first wall in this challenge. I am not seeing the changes I want to see in the time I want to see them. The goals I have committed to seem quite far fetched. I feel like I am the little boy David tasked with […]

Accountability, it’s a Love-Hate Thing

Briggs Family Chiropractic

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by Dr. Scott Briggs Oh my goodness, this could be a big post. Not really. This post is going to focus on just the Why and the How. This topic has been covered thousands of times and you individually have probably heard or read this information at least once before. It’s ok. I know I […]

Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How

Health Journey 2022

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