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Health Journey 2022

Headed toward 52

May 2, 2022

by Dr. Scott Briggs There it is, right there in the title, now you all know; I am talking about my age. In just over a month I will turn 52. How is this possible? I remember graduating with my undergraduate degree in 1992 like it was yesterday. I remember playing football as a freshman, […]

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I'mDr. Scott Briggs

I have been a chiropractor for over 15 years and it is my dream job. I love helping people connect with their health. I also like providing information to everyone via this blog.


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by Dr. Scott Briggs

There it is, right there in the title, now you all know; I am talking about my age. In just over a month I will turn 52. How is this possible? I remember graduating with my undergraduate degree in 1992 like it was yesterday. I remember playing football as a freshman, and competing for the track and field team all four years, as a Willamette University Bearcat. Where have the years gone?

What do these memories have to do with anything regarding health? Here is another memory for you; I remember spending my month long Christmas Break doing nothing except eating anything I wanted, doing little to no exercise, putting on 15 pounds, and overall not really caring. Returning to college in early January, immediately picking up the discus and shot-put, running the stadium, and hitting the weight room like I had not missed a single day of work outs. The muscle soreness lasted maybe two days and those extra 15 pounds melted away in about two weeks. Oh, those were the days!

What has happened to my body, why doesn’t it work like it did? Thats right, I am about to be 52. Please don’t misinterpret my words here. I know many 50ish people who are in the best shape of their lives and I am working to get there myself (very long road). The point I am attempting to convey is that youth overcomes many poor choices, at least in my life it did. Now I have to be much smarter, wiser, and more intentional in my efforts. I am having to dig deep into research about nutrition to enhance and expand my knowledge not only for my own health journey but also in an effort to pass this knowledge along to my patients and readers.

If you have read my previous posts or you are a patient in my office I hope you are seeing my desire to encourage all of you to choose a holistic approach for your health. I am certain I will make some enemies as I write my next few posts but I am so compelled to see health care return to an understanding that the human body is created to be healthy and be self-healing that I will continue to speak the truth I believe. I am not sure how many posts will be in this series, but it will be a few. Upcoming posts will include information I have recently researched regarding the American diet, the food pyramid this nation currently uses, the long term effects of the current (for the past 70 years) American diet, and a possible review of health for the past 70 years in America. I will also be revealing and discussing my vision and the passion of my heart for the health of the communities I serve and many other communities around this nation that I have not reached yet.

The point I am attempting to convey is that youth overcomes many poor choices, at least in my life it did.

Dr. Scott

I know it has been a while since my last post, I have been in a season of contemplation, education, and courage building but I am back on the path and I hope you will continue with me an help spread the message.

Wishing you great health,

Dr. Scott

Dr. Scott Briggs is the owner of Briggs Family Chiropractic in Converse, IN. He has been a chiropractor for over 15 years. He has invited everyone to join him in his health journey for 2022. You can visit the first post on this to receive free helpful downloads. Click HERE to find that post. You can also follow us on Instagram (@briggsfamiychiropractic).

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I am Dr. Scott Briggs

I have been a Board Certified Chiropractor for over 20 years. I received my training at Parker College of Chiropractic, and I spent an additional two years focusing on pregnant moms and infant care.

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