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How it all began…. looking back on a year

August 4, 2021

by Dr. Scott Briggs I was a chiropractor before Cindy and I ever met. I had been practicing in my home state of Montana when I met Cindy. We had a whirlwind courtship and then got married. In addition to our wedding planning, we were also in the process of opening up our first chiropractic […]

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I'mDr. Scott Briggs

I have been a chiropractor for over 15 years and it is my dream job. I love helping people connect with their health. I also like providing information to everyone via this blog.


Infants and Pregnant Moms

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I spent 2 years specializing in a pregnancy/infant clinic. Ask me how this can help you.

by Dr. Scott Briggs

I was a chiropractor before Cindy and I ever met. I had been practicing in my home state of Montana when I met Cindy. We had a whirlwind courtship and then got married. In addition to our wedding planning, we were also in the process of opening up our first chiropractic clinic. That was over 14 years ago and we have had many (many) adventures and travels since then.

We spent two years in Salt Lake City, Utah where I worked in a practice that specialized in pregnant moms and infants. It was such a great learning experience, but we decided for our family to move back east… and we ended up in Marion, Indiana.

When we first moved to Marion I didn’t immediately get my state license to practice. I was waiting to see if this was going to end up being “home”. When people started to find out I was a chiropractor, they asked if I could adjust them. I got my license and started seeing people out of our living room. That didn’t last very long before Cindy kicked me out…. at least out of practicing in the living room.

We started talking in the summer of 2020 (yes, mid pandemic) and we decided it was time to open a new practice– but where? We knew a few things. First, we knew we wanted to have a debt-free company. We had done the other road before– and that didn’t end well. Next, we knew we wanted to serve our local community and serve them well. We also wanted to remain steadfast in being there for our children. We weren’t going to do crazy hours, or miss games, or even homework at night. Finally, we wanted whatever we did to be honoring to God

At the exact right moment… our small office space in Converse was made available. It was perfect to start out– especially since we were not sure how many patients we would be seeing in a week.

Cindy (the business mind of our partnership) spent a week creating a logo, a website, designing marketing materials and making the office “pretty”. Remind us to tell you about the bathroom remodel— over one weekend before we opened! We got the word out through social media and a few postcards… and then we opened the doors. It was Monday, August 10, 2020. We kept thinking if we just saw 10 that first week… we would be happy. Well we exceeded that number– and have continued to grow since opening.

We also were blessed when Nancy George (first a patient) said, “Hey Dr. Briggs– if you ever want to hire someone– let me know!” So I hired her– the next day— and WOW what an amazing addition she has been to our practice (and our family!) Thanks Nancy for being here from the start.

It is funny— we have had a couple of clinics in our history. Ones where we had a flashy office space— lots of marketing materials— and more….. and none have been as wonderful as this one. This clinic– our little clinic in Converse, Indiana has been such a blessing. I have gotten to interact with the best patients ever. I am humbled and honored to be a part of your healthcare journey.

As we come up on our year anniversary– I want to thank each of you for putting your trust in me. Thank you for welcoming me into town, and embracing us. We are so excited to see what year two brings!!

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I am Dr. Scott Briggs

I have been a Board Certified Chiropractor for over 20 years. I received my training at Parker College of Chiropractic, and I spent an additional two years focusing on pregnant moms and infant care.

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