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Embracing Change without Resolutions: A New Perspective on Personal Growth

December 28, 2023

by Dr Scott Briggs Introduction As each year draws to a close, the tradition of setting resolutions has become a common practice for many. The promise of a fresh start and the opportunity for self-improvement often drive individuals to establish ambitious goals for the coming year. However, there is a growing movement that challenges the […]

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by Dr Scott Briggs


As each year draws to a close, the tradition of setting resolutions has become a common practice for many. The promise of a fresh start and the opportunity for self-improvement often drive individuals to establish ambitious goals for the coming year. However, there is a growing movement that challenges the conventional wisdom of setting resolutions, suggesting that this practice may not be the most effective or sustainable way to achieve personal growth. In this article, we will explore the reasons why some argue against setting resolutions and propose alternative approaches to fostering positive change.

  1. Unrealistic Expectations

One of the main criticisms of New Year’s resolutions is the tendency to set unrealistic and overly ambitious goals. Many people feel compelled to make drastic changes in their lives, such as adopting strict diets, committing to intense exercise routines, or making drastic career shifts. The problem with such resolutions is that they often lead to burnout and disappointment when individuals struggle to meet these unrealistic expectations. This cycle of setting unattainable goals can ultimately undermine one’s confidence and motivation.

  1. All-or-Nothing Mentality

Resolutions often promote an all-or-nothing mentality, wherein individuals perceive success only if they achieve their goals perfectly. This black-and-white thinking can be detrimental to personal growth, as it fails to acknowledge the incremental progress and small victories along the way. When faced with setbacks or obstacles, those with resolutions may be more prone to giving up entirely, believing that any deviation from the original plan equates to failure.

  1. Limited Timeframe

The concept of setting resolutions within the confines of a new year can create an artificial sense of urgency. While the start of a new year symbolizes a fresh beginning, personal growth is a continuous and lifelong journey. Setting resolutions within a limited timeframe may inadvertently foster a mindset that prioritizes short-term outcomes over sustainable, long-term change.

  1. External Pressure

The societal pressure to set resolutions can lead individuals to make choices that may not align with their true desires or values. The fear of judgment or the desire to conform to societal expectations can result in setting goals that are not genuinely meaningful or fulfilling. This external pressure may contribute to the high failure rate of resolutions, as individuals may lack the intrinsic motivation needed to sustain their efforts.

  1. Embracing Change without Resolutions

Rather than setting resolutions, an alternative approach to personal growth involves adopting a mindset of continuous improvement and self-reflection throughout the year. This approach focuses on the journey rather than the destination, allowing individuals to set realistic, achievable goals based on their own unique circumstances and values.

Embracing change without resolutions involves:

a. Setting Realistic and Flexible Goals: Instead of imposing strict resolutions, individuals can set realistic and flexible goals that allow for adjustments based on evolving circumstances.

b. Prioritizing Sustainable Habits: Building sustainable habits over time can lead to lasting change. Small, consistent actions are more likely to yield positive results than drastic, short-term measures.

c. Embracing Failure as a Learning Opportunity: Instead of viewing setbacks as failures, individuals can see them as valuable learning opportunities. Embracing a growth mindset allows for resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges.


While the tradition of setting New Year’s resolutions persists, it’s essential to recognize that personal growth is a continuous journey that extends beyond the confines of a single year. Embracing change without resolutions allows individuals to cultivate a mindset of self-improvement, learning, and adaptability throughout the year. By setting realistic goals, prioritizing sustainable habits, and embracing failure as a natural part of the process, individuals can foster lasting positive change in their lives.

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Dr. Scott Briggs is the owner of Briggs Family Chiropractic in Grant Co. Indiana. Dr. Briggs brings over 20 years of experience to the field. He is married to Dr. Cindy Briggs and they have 3 children.

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I am Dr. Scott Briggs

I have been a Board Certified Chiropractor for over 20 years. I received my training at Parker College of Chiropractic, and I spent an additional two years focusing on pregnant moms and infant care.

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