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Health Journey 2022

Here we go!

January 3, 2022

by Dr. Scott Briggs The 30 day kickoff of my year long Health Challenge begins tomorrow. My wife, Cindy, spent most of today preparing different foods that will make the rest of the week easier to stay on task (see below for the eating plan we have chosen for this challenge). I am so grateful […]

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I'mDr. Scott Briggs

I have been a chiropractor for over 15 years and it is my dream job. I love helping people connect with their health. I also like providing information to everyone via this blog.


Infants and Pregnant Moms

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by Dr. Scott Briggs

The 30 day kickoff of my year long Health Challenge begins tomorrow. My wife, Cindy, spent most of today preparing different foods that will make the rest of the week easier to stay on task (see below for the eating plan we have chosen for this challenge). I am so grateful she is joining me on this challenge. I know not all of you have a spouse or friend that will be joining you on your health challenge but don’t let that stop you. My hope is this blog will fill that role for those of you who are flying solo during this health challenge.

The first hurdle is already trying to derail me and I haven’t even started yet. My mind, oh the power of my mind and the negative thoughts it produces. What was I thinking? Am I really going to give up the foods that I love? What will the readers think? How am I going to survive these changes to my diet and my life? These are the hurdles before me. Why are my thoughts so negative? I don’t have an answer for the why but this is what I know, I can listen to positive and encouraging thoughts or I can accept the defeatist thoughts. I choose the positive and encouraging today. That’s right, it is a choice.

Are You Ready? written on running track

The biggest challenge right now is changing my mental perspective. Instead of, “what was I thinking?”, I will choose to accept the challenge before me knowing there will be good days and bad days but in the end the benefit is huge. “Am I really going to give up the foods I love?” How about looking at each new menu item as an opportunity to find new and healthier favorite foods. “What will the readers think?” I choose to understand that I cannot alter the thoughts of my readers but if I stay the course with determination and authenticity I may just impact the lives and health of my readers in a very positive way. “How am I going to survive these changes to my diet and life?” I am going to survive by getting up each day and taking another positive step toward better health. I like my new perspectives. These are the positive thoughts I will go to sleep thinking tonight. I trust tomorrow will be a great start to an amazing journey.

If you are reading these blogs, remember I promised to be open and authentic about my Health Challenge journey. These words truly reflect how I have felt today. When you start your health challenge you may face some of the same hurdles as you begin. It’s ok, face the hurdles, find a new perspective, and march forward. We will do this together.

Wishing you the best in health

Dr. Briggs.

Our plan for this journey (click book below to order):

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I am Dr. Scott Briggs

I have been a Board Certified Chiropractor for over 20 years. I received my training at Parker College of Chiropractic, and I spent an additional two years focusing on pregnant moms and infant care.

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