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Health Journey 2022

Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How

January 5, 2022

by Dr. Scott Briggs Oh my goodness, this could be a big post. Not really. This post is going to focus on just the Why and the How. This topic has been covered thousands of times and you individually have probably heard or read this information at least once before. It’s ok. I know I […]

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I'mDr. Scott Briggs

I have been a chiropractor for over 15 years and it is my dream job. I love helping people connect with their health. I also like providing information to everyone via this blog.


Infants and Pregnant Moms

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I spent 2 years specializing in a pregnancy/infant clinic. Ask me how this can help you.

by Dr. Scott Briggs

Oh my goodness, this could be a big post. Not really. This post is going to focus on just the Why and the How.

This topic has been covered thousands of times and you individually have probably heard or read this information at least once before. It’s ok. I know I need to be reminded of the the “why” and “how” anytime I set out on a new challenge so I hope this will benefit you also.

Let’s start with “why”. What is your “why”? Without a “why” success will be hard to achieve. Without a strong and motivating “why” the tough days that are sure to pop-up will derail your efforts. I know I will need to continually refer back to my “why” through out this year so it had better be very strong.

What do I mean by “strong”? It is probably easier to explain this with examples of weak whys. “I just want to be healthier”, “I want to lose weight”, “I want to stop smoking”, “I need to stress less”. These are weak examples because they lack two things, first, there is very little to show the personal gain that will be expected by completing this health challenge, and second, and probably more important there is nothing that expresses the benefit to the people around you. If you are at all like me a “why” that is focused just on personal gain is not enough accountable and honest. I can easily lie to myself and let plans slide. When my “why” focuses on the benefit to other people it is much more difficult for me to lie to them ( hence one of the reasons I am writing this blog).

Find your why, and you will find your way.

John Maxwell

Here is one of my “whys”. I’m done being a hypocrite! I believe 100% that our bodies have been created to be healthy and self healing and I speak of this belief daily in my clinic and to my family. Yet here I am more than a little over weight, slightly high blood pressure, and symptoms that would indicate diabetes is around the corner. What is going on? I am being lazy. How can my body function at it’s best to be healthy when I’m not giving it what it needs. In my mind and more importantly, how can I expect my patients to value the words I give them when it is obvious that I am not living by those words. THIS HAS TO CHANGE!! I feel like part of my job and responsibility is to lead my community toward true health. I cannot do this effectively if my life does not reflect the importance of what I believe.

If you have just joined us on this health journey 2022- you can go read our first post that also includes a free workbook to help you in this effort. CLICK HERE to visit the post.

Dr. Scott Briggs is a chiropractor in Converse, Indiana. He has been in practice over 20 years in several different states. Dr. Briggs also specializes in pregnancy and infant chiropractic care. He lives in Marion, IN with his wife, Dr. Cindy Briggs and three children (and two dogs!) You can learn more at

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I am Dr. Scott Briggs

I have been a Board Certified Chiropractor for over 20 years. I received my training at Parker College of Chiropractic, and I spent an additional two years focusing on pregnant moms and infant care.

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