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Healthy Food

Another Week…Another Farm Visit

May 31, 2022

by Dr. Scott Briggs If you are following along… you know that this year’s health challenge has turned into a complete obsession with learning more about our food. This has taken my family on a journey to understand more about what we use to fuel our bodies. I want to know where it comes from, […]

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I'mDr. Scott Briggs

I have been a chiropractor for over 15 years and it is my dream job. I love helping people connect with their health. I also like providing information to everyone via this blog.


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by Dr. Scott Briggs

Blake Hitzfield, Seven Sons

If you are following along… you know that this year’s health challenge has turned into a complete obsession with learning more about our food. This has taken my family on a journey to understand more about what we use to fuel our bodies. I want to know where it comes from, what is used to farm it, and how it all overall impacts the health of my family.

Last week I shared with you our journey to the Endless Knot Community Farm in Fairmount. Last week, we took a visit to Seven Sons Farm in Roanoke, Indiana. There we had the opportunity to meet one of the sons, Blake Hitzfield. We discussed how they became “seven sons” and what their philosophy is on health, food, and family! We appreciated him taking the time to visit and talk with us about health.

We immediately connect with their mission, “Our mission is to glorify God by helping busy, informed consumers gain access to safe and ethical foods they can eat with confidence. Our goal is to provide the peace of mind that comes from having a direct relationship with a farmer you can know and trust.” This is becoming even more than just about food– but how these people are living their lives in accordance with their mission.

Jackson with goats at Seven Sons Farm

We got to shop around the store, and purchase some delicious items. We have already had their chicken, and on this trip we added some brats, breakfast meat, and cheese. It was all amazing. They have lots of options on purchasing— and you can check out their website at: www. I have to say, my wife Cindy shared with me the Farm Life series on their website– and I have really enjoyed watching those and learning even more about their farm and how that translates to my food.

As I said in my last blog post (but it bears repeating). I am not receiving any type of compensation for these recommendations. We aren’t getting kickbacks or anything like that. I am just on a mission to find locations to refer my patients so you too can eat healthy. I honestly believe there is more to health than just regular chiropractic care (although I firmly believe in that too). I am finding we have to look at our diets, our exercise, our lifestyles, our environment and everything as a whole. Our health is more complicated than just one facet.

As I continue on our health journey, I will keep bringing you tips, places to shop, ideas to investigate and more. I am more than willing to answer any questions you might have when you come in for your adjustments. And even if you can’t get in– drop me a line at and I am always ready to answer any questions you may have about health and/or chiropractic.

Dr. Scott Briggs is the owner of Briggs Family Chiropractic in Converse, IN. He has been a chiropractor for over 15 years. He has invited everyone to join him in his health journey for 2022. You can visit the first post on this to receive free helpful downloads. Click HERE to find that post. You can also follow us on Instagram (@briggsfamiychiropractic).

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I am Dr. Scott Briggs

I have been a Board Certified Chiropractor for over 20 years. I received my training at Parker College of Chiropractic, and I spent an additional two years focusing on pregnant moms and infant care.

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