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by Dr. Scott Briggs As a chiropractor dedicated to holistic wellness, I’ve seen firsthand the profound impact that lifestyle choices can have on our overall health. Today, I want to shine a spotlight on one particular habit that many of us have developed: consuming diet sodas. While they may seem like a guilt-free indulgence, the […]

The Liberating Choice: Quitting Diet Sodas for Your Health

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by Dr. Scott Briggs Introduction In the pursuit of a healthier and more balanced life, many individuals are turning to alternative forms of healthcare that focus on holistic well-being. Chiropractic care, often associated with the treatment of musculoskeletal issues, is emerging as a powerful and transformative approach to healthcare. Beyond just addressing back pain, chiropractic […]

The Transformative Power of Chiropractic Care: A Case for Making It a Regular Way of Life

Briggs Family Chiropractic

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by Dr. Scott Briggs & Dr. Cindy Briggs Cindy: When I first met Scott in 2006, I was a complete type A personality. I was always on the go, had a packed schedule, and a to-do list a mile long. I was constant motion (and yes, I think that scared him a lot!) On the […]

Your Body Isn’t Lacking Advil

Healthy Food

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by Dr. Scott Briggs Stress is a part of your everyday life that seems to come from everywhere. Work, relationships, and even hobbies can cause nervous tension in your life. Regardless of the source of your anxiety, you can alleviate this day-to-day stress and find more peace. Sometimes stress comes from taking on too much. […]

5 Ways to Alleviate Day-to-Day Stress

Health Journey 2022

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by Dr. Scott Briggs If you are following along… you know that this year’s health challenge has turned into a complete obsession with learning more about our food. This has taken my family on a journey to understand more about what we use to fuel our bodies. I want to know where it comes from, […]

Another Week…Another Farm Visit

Healthy Food

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by Dr. Scott Briggs If you have been following along on the blog, you have probably noticed how FOOD has been a constant discussion. As we have been engaged in our Health Challenge 2022, it has led to much more than just a discussion on weight loss (with me personally). I have truly embarked on […]

Down on the Farm

Healthy Food

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by Dr. Scott Briggs Have you ever noticed that money talks. I’m sure you have. Those with deep pockets seem to do the most talking. What does this mean for us as consumers? It means we need to carefully educate ourselves when it comes to matters of our health. In my last post, ”What are […]

Follow the Money

Health Journey 2022

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by Dr. Scott Briggs I have briefly talked in a previous blog about the current American diet, but I want to take a few paragraphs and return to this topic. If you are within 20 years of my age (52), we only know the diet of the food pyramid that was published in 1980 and […]

What are We Eating?

Health Journey 2022

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by Dr. Scott Briggs There it is, right there in the title, now you all know; I am talking about my age. In just over a month I will turn 52. How is this possible? I remember graduating with my undergraduate degree in 1992 like it was yesterday. I remember playing football as a freshman, […]

Headed toward 52

Health Journey 2022

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by Dr. Scott Briggs March 25, 2022 If you have been around Dr. Briggs very long… you know he loves to promote overall health. Chiropractic care is just one area that can help you stay healthy and strong. There are so many other natural ways to keep your body working its best. We are SO […]

The secret is out….

Restore Health

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